When Mary Boland tells Kamua Okafor that the Irish are just about the most superstitious people on earth, she isn’t far from right.
The extreme fear of the Irish crew makes it possible for Mary and Kam to blend her Celtic superstitions and his African voodoo into a cocktail that literally sends the cruel Seamus over the rails to the sharks.
Here are a few of the superstitions that devil the Irish:
If you hear a cuckoo on your wedding morning or see three magpies, you will have good luck.
Meeting a funeral procession on the way to your wedding is bad luck.
After the ceremony, for good luck, a man should be the first to kiss the bride and offer congratulations. If a woman is first, this will bring bad luck to the couple. On occasion, a spiteful woman has jumped up to kiss the bride. So, be careful.
A crowing hen, a whistling girl, and a black cat are very unlucky. Beware of them in a house.
If one magpie comes chattering at your door, it’s a sign of death. But if two come chattering, it’s a sign of prosperity.
If a rooster comes to your threshold and crows, you may expect visitors.
If you want to know the name of the person you are to marry, put a snail on a plate sprinkled with flour. Cover the plate and leave it overnight. In the morning, the initial of the person will be on the plate, traced by the snail.
Do not turn off a light while people are at supper. If you do, there will be one less at that table before the year is out.
If your palm itches, you will come into money. If your elbow itches, you will be changing beds. If your ear itches, someone is speaking bad of you.
So, please take a minute and let me know about superstitions you heard while growing up. I want to hear from you.