Shanty Gold Readings

I am a major ham! I love being front and center, showing my stuff, singing, dancing (well, not dancing so much since I saw myself doing it on a wedding video), explaining things. Perhaps it’s from being an only child, but I don’t think so.


Performing was born into me. Which is peculiar since my mother was quiet, careful, and suspicious of everyone’s motives.


Boy, I scared the sweet bee Jesus out of my mother. I can still hear her: “Jeanne, don’t be so loud. Don’t show off so much. People won’t like you.”


Why do we do that to children? I know it’s out of a sense of protection. But protection of whom? Me or her?


Anyway, as readings of Shanty Gold begin, I find myself terrified. What? This old community theater ham is afraid of a reading? Yep. ‘Fraid so.


What will help? Seeing your friendly face in the audience, that’s what.


Here’s what’s lined up so far:


September 23 at 7 p.m.—-Ancient Order of Hibernians, Albany, NY


September 25 at 7 p.m.—The Book House in Albany, NY


October 6 at 7 p.m.—Malaprops in Asheville, NC


October 14 at 11 a.m. —St. Eugene’s Women’s Guild in Asheville, NC


October 28 at 10:30—Givens Estates in Asheville, NC


Please come. I need you.fword